Thursday, December 27, 2007
Weekly Weigh-In
It's crazy to think that today I should be 39 weeks pregnant yet tomorrow the babies will be 6 weeks old! When the doctors told us that the babies were going to be delivered on November 16th all I could think was, "It's way too early, it's way too early!" Now I can't imagine the last 6 weeks without our precious Reid and Louisa! We are so blessed to have these two healthy, beautiful babies!
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Thursday, December 20, 2007
New Pictures
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Doctors Visits...
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Happy 1 Month Birthday, Babies!!
Wow! 1 month old already...where does the time go?? It really doesn't seem like it's been a month since Reid and Louisa were born, but I think a lot of that is because they've only been home with us for a week. It's been a great week and we have had a wonderful time getting to know our babies and just getting to love on them when and how we want to. Craig and I finally feel like real parents, taking care of real babies in our own home...and it is definitely all that I ever thought it would be and more!! Our hearts are definitely full of happiness and a wide range of other emotions. Somehow the word happiness doesn't fully describe the depth of what we feel. It is amazing how quickly we have become "those parents" who think that their babies are absolutely the best, most beautiful and perfect children who can do no wrong! We are so blessed to have our children at home with us and doing as well as they are. They are doing all of the normal things that babies, sleep and fill their diapers! One of the many blessings of our babies being in the NICU is that when they came home they were both already on a 4 hour feeding schedule that they follow like clockwork. The project manager in me loves that they are sticking to their schedule!
Thursday, December 13, 2007
The Babies are home!!!
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Oh no, the dreaded MRSA!!!
What is MRSA? The way I understand it is MRSA is a mutant strain of the staph infection that has been around for a long time but was only found in hospitals until a couple of years ago. It is a staph infection that has become immune to normal antibiotics and now it has made it's way into the general population. Many people may carry the infection but because normal people have a healthy immune system they may never get sick. The people that have a depleted immune system like elderly people, people with AIDS, cancer and of course preemies are at the highest risk.
The only problems this has caused so far is that it restricts us even more when it comes to how we interact with Reid. Everybody that goes to see Reid has to wear a gown and gloves, including the nurses and doctors. He cannot be touched because we have to keep all the other children in the NICU safe. Carrie and I understand the rules and are more than happy to obey but it does stink that we can't really touch or love on our son right now.
Good news is that Louisa is doing really good. She continues to amaze us with her moxie and mighty might attitude. Like Carrie mentioned a few days ago, nobody has told 'Doodle' that she is little. Today she weighed 3 lbs. 7.7 oz. and continues to drink 60 - 65 cc of milk at every feeding.
So please continue to pray for our children that they will continue to progress and that the MRSA test will come back as just a contaminant. If not, then pray the antibiotics that will be given to Reid take care of the infection and that he and his sister will be home soon. Also please pray for God's mercy with Brian and strength and understanding for his family. Brian's condition has continued to get worse and it is heart breaking to see such a small little boy suffer so much. Also praise God that many prayers were answered for Matthew's miracle, another little boy thats lung condition unexpectedly cleared up. This was a condition that was expected would take surgery to correct.
Thank you for your continued prayers and support...
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Photo ops...

Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Life in the NICU...
Meanwhile, little Louisa continues to show everyone that she is only little in size, not might! One of Louisa's nurses summed it up very well when she said that nobody told Louisa that she was small, and she sure hasn't realized it on her own! She is now eating close to the same amount as her brother who is more than 2 pounds bigger than her! Because Louisa is doing so well, it is now a good possibility that she and Reid will come home a lot closer together than we originally thought...they could even end up coming home at the same time : ) We are very anxious for that day when we have both babies home, but because things seem to keep changing, we are not exactly sure when that will happen. We will definitely keep everyone updated as we hear more and as the time for them to come home gets closer.
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Please continue to pray for the twins and Brian, the little boy who is next to Louisa. And even though the NICU is a very critical nursery the babies, parents, nurses and doctors that are there are great people. One of the biggest reasons Louisa and Reid are doing so well is because of the people that are taking care of them. So, Thank You: Dr. Brawley, Dr. Cothran, Dr. Sharpe, J-Lo, Mrs. Debra, Mrs. Pennie, Mrs. Molly, Mrs. Donna, Mrs. Jeanneane, Mrs. Sherry, Mrs. Bonnie, Mrs. Ellen, Mrs. Kathy, Mrs. Camylle, Mrs. Kathy, Ms. Lauren, Mrs. Jennifer, Mrs. Natalie, Mrs. April, Mrs. Marsha, Mrs. Carla and everyone I have forgot to mention.
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Because Reid breathes room air, can maintain his body temperature and now is taking every feeding by bottle he has no reason to stay in the NICU! We expect that by Wednesday we will be able to welcome Reid home and will finally begin to feel like real parents. The down side is that Louisa will still be in the NICU but all she has to do is gain enough weight to maintain her temperature. Today she weighed 3 lbs. 1.4 oz. and hopefully will be home in a few weeks.
So please continue to pray for Louisa that she will continue to have good days and that Reid will have no setbacks between now and Wednesday. Also please say a prayer for Brian and his family. Brian is a little boy whose isolete is next to Louisa's and his prognosis is not good. He is a really sick little boy so please pray for him to have no pain and strength for his family.
Now, I am going to get some sleep while I still can...
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Pictures of our Babies
Thursday, November 29, 2007
A Proud Husband and Father...
Carrie has handled the last 6 weeks like a champ. From unexpectedly being put on bed rest and then 2 weeks later being blindsided with a one week hospital stay and the ultimate early delivery of the twins she has been the definition of grace under pressure. She did everything the doctors asked and now supports our children by everyday spending as much time as she is allowed in the NICU. I am blessed to have her as my wife and our children are blessed to have her as their Mommy.
Louisa and Reid are AWESOME!!! Except for Louisa's little hick-up, the twins have improved everyday. Louisa has earned the reputation of having the most attitude of any baby pound-for-pound in nursery 6. Her personality is one of the biggest reasons she has done so well. Reid is our little burrito that stays wrapped up and content all day long. As long as you feed him and change his diaper he doesn't make a peep and the last few days has received the good baby award of the nursery. I am really looking forward to the twins coming home so we can take total care of them and they can play.
All the support we have received from family and friends has been astounding. Carrie and I have felt the prayers and we see God answer them everyday. So please don't stop! Continue to pray that the twins will have infection free days and will continue to obtain the goals the Doctors give them. Also please pray for the other children in the NICU and their families. The NICU is truly a special place but has many very sick babies. So please remember them in your prayers as well.
Carrie and I are going to try and do a much better job of keeping you updated. Please visit often and let us know when you do...
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Our 2 Little Miracles...

To make a very long story short, on Friday, November 16th, after a week long stay in the hospital the doctors decided it was best for everyone (me and the babies) for the babies to be delivered at only 33 weeks and 1 day.
So...Kenneth "Reid" was born at 6:55 pm. He weighed 4 lb 15 oz and was 16 3/4" long. Our little Louisa Claire was born at 6:56 weighing only 2 lb 11 oz and 15" long.
Reid needed a little help breathing when he was born. He was on the c-pap, then nasal canula but he is now breathing completely on his own! He progressed really quickly and we are quite proud of him! The doctors said that hopefully he will be home in the next 7-10 days. He still needs to learn to drink his whole bottle (he is currently getting 2 bottles a day and the rest he gets through a feeding tube). We just came from the hospital and Reid finished his whole bottle for the second night in a row (Yeah, Reid!!). He'll have to keep this up for a few days before they increase him to 3 bottles a day. He is quite handsome and for the last few days our nurses have named him the good boy of the nursery!
When Louisa was born, our tiny girl came out breathing completely on her own, not requiring any help at all! This week has been quite rough for Louisa. On Sunday she started acting not like her normal, fiesty self and we could tell something was wrong. By Monday it was determined that she had an infection. She was put on antibiotics and is now acting more like herself again. She is still a little pale and weak, but she is doing much better. She will stay on the antibiotics for another 8 days to make sure the infection is completely gone. It was a very scary couple of days, but with lots of prayer she is getting better. Louisa is up to 2 lb 15 oz now, so she still needs to gain a bit of weight before she can come home. She will also have to maintain her own body temperature and be able to take all of her feedings by bottle (she is now getting 2 bottles a day). She has already proven to be quite strong and the nurses tell us that we are really going to have to watch her because she is so fiesty! We don't really understand what they are talking about because every time we go to see her she is sleeping like a perfect little angel! Of course as her parents we couldn't be biased or anything! We are praying that Louisa will grow quickly so she can be home by Christmas. We are so excited for the day when our babies will both be home with us!
We have been truly blessed with wonderful doctors and nurses. From the decision to deliver when I did, to the care for the babies in the Special Care Nursery since the babies were born, we know that we have had the absolute best medical care possible. We wish so much that our babies were at home with us now, but we know that they are getting wonderful care at University Hospital.
Thank you so much to everyone who has been praying for our family. We have felt those prayers and know that our babies would not be doing as well as they are without those prayers.
Saturday, November 3, 2007
The one who REALLY runs our house...

Thursday, November 1, 2007
31 Weeks!!

Monday, October 29, 2007
Change of Perspective
As you can hopefully see from the video clip, our little boy seems to be doing great! However, it looks like when he is born he will need a long lesson in sharing with his sister! At my appointment with Dr. Ware on Thursday, they measured the babies again and according to their measurements, baby boy was 3 lb 10 oz and baby girl was only 2 lbs. Big difference from the week before at Dr. Williams office. The measurements are not precise by any means, so we are thinking that they are both somewhere in between the two measurements. Since he is continuing to get quite a bit larger and she is not growing near as much, Dr. Ware has put me on bed rest until the babies come. She explained that he is actually compressing her cord, so she isn't getting all the nutrients that she needs and the more energy that I exert by walking around, etc. the more blood flow, calories, nutrients that I am requiring for myself which means those are nutrients that the babies (specifically the girl) are not getting. Obvisously this was a HUGE shock to us. We woke up that morning and were getting ready to go to the doctor and I said to Craig, "Today is 30 weeks and we're all doing great!" How quickly our perspective changed! Dr. Ware's biggest concern right now is getting the little girl to pick up weight, so I am now drinking 3 protein drinks a day in addition to my gallon of water and of course my normal meals. I stay pretty full most of the time but...whatever the babies need to keep growing! The good thing is that at this point the doctors don't have any reason for concern that I will deliver early since I am not having any contractions or any other signs of early labor. Hopefully with the extra rest I will be able to wait until 37-38 weeks to deliver. Dr. Ware also wants me to be monitored twice a week, so they will be keeping a very close watch on me and the babies to make sure everybody is doing okay.
Please keep us all in your thoughts and prayers. This recent turn of events means a lot of adjustments for everyone and the way we thought things would go. Clearly God is in control of this situation and He has a perfect plan for how and when our little miracles will arrive!
Sunday, October 21, 2007
29 Week Report
Friday, October 12, 2007
28 weeks

The picture I'm posting was taken at 27 weeks...I'm sure that I've grown even more in the last week!