Louisa celebrated her 7 month birthday by cutting her 2nd tooth!! Reid celebrated quite loudly with his new inflection-filled play voice (squeal!!)!! Reid and Louisa are REALLY starting to interact with each other which is absolutely adorable to watch!! Sometimes it's just a smile when they catch the other's eye, sometimes that turns into a squeal or giggle, sometimes it's reaching out and grabbing the other one or putting fingers in their mouth (eye, nose, ears or really anywhere!). It really is so much fun to watch as they grow and as they start to notice each other.
I looked back today (like I do every month on the 16th!) at the pictures from Reid & Louisa's birthday and I am so amazed at how far they have come. They were both sooooo tiny and fragile. The last 7 months have been so great. Our babies are such a precious gift...even though my typical comment to people is that I would like to shrink wrap Reid & Louisa, I really can't wait to see what the next 7 months have in store as we see their personalities develop even more!