Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Happy 13 Month Birthday, Babies!!

Yep, 13 months already!! Louisa celebrated by taking 2 steps towards her Mommy!! Yeah!! She was so proud of herself and so were we! She's doing great standing on her own...she's very confident and has great balance. Reid is watching not far behind...he took a step towards me tonight (not quite as coordinated as Sissy, but he has a little more weight to carry around!).

Speaking of weight...the babies went to the doctor today for re-checks and Louisa weighed 14 lbs 4 oz!! That means she has gained 1 and 3/4 lbs in less than a month...table food is doing great for Louisa! She has also made HUGE improvements in drinking her milk. She LOVES to eat...she always cleans her plate :) and is SOOOO precious when we tell her to "chew it up" she makes little smacking noises. Reid is doing great too...he loves his Cheerios and most anything else we give him.

Reid and Louisa are loving the Christmas decorations...especially the tree. Here are a few recent photos...

Monday, December 8, 2008

New Stuff...

Okay, Reid & Louisa have been learning LOTS of new things!! They both like to clap, blow kisses, give kisses...

Brush their teeth...

Reid has perfected his flirty eyes and smile...
Louisa has learned that the cow says Mmmmmm. Reid likes to dance to music (kind of a head bobble, body bouncing motion) cute...and Louisa claps for him :)

Saturday night we had fun going to pick out our Christmas tree...
The tree is up, but not decorated yet. Hopefully we'll get that done this week. Daddy insists on having colored lights now that we have, stay tuned to see our tree of color :) After getting our tree, we had dinner at The Pizza Joint. Which included lots of cheerios for Reid & Louisa...
Cheerios make Reid really happy...I think he is trying to say Cheerio. When I say cheerio or bring out the cheerio container, he forms a really long string of babble that ends in a long oooooooooooooooooooo!
Babies were soooo cute when we got home, know I had to take lots of pictures :)

Unfortunately, Louisa has learned how to pull out her hairbows...Maggie hasn't learned to take hers out yet...

Louisa was too cute sitting at her basket of books. I think she sat there for about 30 minutes pulling out books and looking at them.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Did you notice...

...I changed the ticker above??? We're now counting toward Reid & Louisa's 2nd birthday!! That is REALLY, REALLY hard to believe! Where does the time go?

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Enjoying Our Presents!

I promised birthday and dedication pictures, but I'm posting these instead so you can see Reid & Louisa enjoying some of their new toys they got for their birthday.

One of Reid's new favorite places to play...IN the toy basket :) Reid's new puzzle...Clearly we have some work to do on figuring out how puzzles work!
Louisa having fun with her Fridge Farm
We really like our Giraffe Rocker!!

You can tell from the pics above that we are FINALLY starting to feel better! If you haven't heard, Reid & Louisa got really sick with a HORRIBLE stomach bug right after their birthday. The stomach bug was followed by congestion/cold which led to double ear infections for Reid. It's rough being a year old! Some pics from when we didn't feel so well...

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

I know, I know...

...I'm slacking lately on the posts!! I have a lot of great excuses like a stomach bug that lasted for over a week in our house, followed by congestion/sinus stuff that eventually led to a double ear infection for Reid :( Our poor little people have had a really rough time since they turned 1...I dont' think they have enjoyed being 1 very much so far! They are FINALLY getting better and hopefully their energy levels will be back to normal soon. This morning was the first time in 2 1/2 weeks that Reid & Louisa were actually standing up at their toy basket when I left for work. Promise to get more posts (with pics) up soon. I'm way behind...still need to post from the birthday party and R&L's dedication service at church.

Be back soon :)

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