See... So, we buy such big boxes of Cheerios for three reasons...1) To get priceless expressions like the one above 2) the kids love them AND 3) because pictures like the one below show just how tiny our Little Louisa really know, as compared to a box of Cheerios :)
Reid and Louisa had so much fun this year at Easter. We went to an Easter egg hunt with our cousins Alex, Abigail and Benjamin and had a blast. I don't even think Reid and Louisa noticed that they were the smallest ones toddling around the yard! After we showed them to put the eggs in their baskets, they started doing it on their own. They even figured out that when you run out of eggs to pick up, you can always take some from your twin's basket! And, of course it's fun to play "touchdown" with the eggs (it's a good thing they were plastic, because Reid really liked throwing the eggs!) It was definitely a fun Easter but I look forward to teaching Reid and Louisa about the real reason we celebrate Easter.
I couldn't choose between all of the Easter pictures to post, so here are the rest in a slide show.
Talk about growing up! Wow, what a difference a month makes! Reid and Louisa amaze us daily with the new things they are saying and doing. For a long time we have referred to Reid and Louisa as "Bubby and Sissy." Well, this month they started calling each other "Bubba" and "Sissy!" The love that is in their voice when they call each other's names just absolutely makes my heart melt. We love to go on walks in the evening...R&L love riding in the wagon, waving at all the neighbors and barking at all the dogs we see ;) It has been great to get outside now that the weather is warmer...I can't wait to see you at the pool and the beach this summer. Every month when I write your updates here, I think that I can't possibly love you more and every month you prove me wrong! The best part of my day is definitely coming home and seeing 4 bright little eyes peeking up over the couch at me followed by "Momma!" and the pitter-pat of your precious little feet coming around to the gate where you know I'll come pick you up. I'm so proud to be your Momma and I am so proud of all of the new things you are learning. You are so precious to me, sweet Reid and Louisa!