I'm not sure why, but I can't seem to find time to catch up on my blogging lately! Needless to say with 2 - 2 1/2 yr olds, an almost 4 month old, a puppy (that's 5 days younger than the baby), and a full time job...we're a little busy around our house! Not too busy to be loving life and enjoying time with our precious children. They are all growing up way too fast...everyone is saying or doing something new everyday.
I realized the other day that Reid and Louisa are on the downhill slide to being 3 years old! It makes me so happy because this is such a fun time right now with them...having "real" conversations with them, teaching them new things, watching as they each become their own little person...but...it also makes me sad because as I hold Baby Cole, it makes me miss Reid and Louisa being that little. I couldn't be more proud of all the new things they are learning and doing...and all of the new things they are anxious to teach their baby brother! They love Cole so much and have been wonderful with him. The first words I hear EVERY morning before they even come down the stairs, "Hi Mommy, is Cole awake?...Oh, GREAT!!"
People ask me almost daily how "the baby" is doing...and my response is always, "He's doing GREAT! He is SUCH a good baby!" Cole hardly ever fusses or cries, and when he does, he's very easy to console. It usually only takes talking to him and he quickly calms down and flashes his sweet smile...which I'm convinced could make anyone melt! If only we could keep him this little forever!! But we can't, so...we'll just enjoy each little stage as he grows. It looks like it won't be long at all before he's rolling over!
Hopefully the picture above will hold you over until I can find the time to upload more pictures. I love the picture of the 3 of them together...Reid & Louisa were so excited for Cole to come upstairs to help tuck them in bed...they loved him being in the bed with them...one more example of how much they love their little brother. The best part is, the feeling is mutual...the look of excitement on Cole's face every time he sees Reid & Louisa makes this Momma so happy! We are so blessed every day with our 3 precious babies!