I can't believe in just 3 short months my Reid and Louisa will be 3 years old! It seems like just yesterday they were cooing and babbling like Cole! Now here they are acting like real people...not babies! While I definitely miss the time when they were babies and I could (easily) hold both of them in my arms...I wouldn't trade where they are today for anything. Each personality is so different...so precious!

My prissy little Louisa Claire! Like your brother, you have a way of melting your Mommy's heart! The way your bright blue eyes sparkle when you laugh and your sweet voice when we sing "You are my Sunshine" every night...you are so precious to me! I find myself laughing quite often at how much you are like me...picking out little details, evaluating every situation before you engage, pulling on clothes if they don't fit JUST right...there is no doubt that you are your mother's child! You love to sing and dance...you've got some sassy little moves! You love to sit and make a list (again...just like Mommy!), or just sit on the counter and "help" me cook. I love how much you always want to help!

My sweet Reid...oh, my buddy! You LOVE to talk! From the time your sister wakes you up, until the time your eyes close at night...you talk all day! Everyone comments on how well you talk because your words are so clear and the things you say definitely don't sound like a 2 year old! You are so bright and so inquisitive we are definitely in the "why?" stage! Maybe some people would say the picture above isn't the best of you, but to me...it captures you and what you love to do right now...talk!! If there is anything that you like to do more than talk, it's touch! You are my sweet little lover boy and you LOVE to LOVE! You often say, "Mommy, I just want to touch you" or "Mommy, I just want to kiss you!" What a sweet, sweet boy! You sure know how to melt your Mommy's heart!
There are so many things about you that are different, yet the bond that you share is so evident in all that you do. Always concerned about the other, proud of the other, and just LOVE the other so much. I pray that you will always remain this close to each other! I love you my sweet babies!