We got dressed up for Halloween and went to Gym Fest at our church. We were definitely the cutest dinosaurs there...Mommy says we were the cutest dinosaurs EVER...what do you think??
Reid: "Sissy, I'll protect you from all the monsters!"

Louisa: "Can you believe his mom dressed him in

Reid: "Sis, there's something crazy looking on your head!"

Mommy & her sweet girl

Your family is aordable. You look great! How is your family? Where is everyone at? I am going to keep up with your blog now that I know it is here! I have one too. It is about my youngest daughter, Abbie. I do update some of the things with the other kids too but mainly on her progress. You can check it out if you would like at abbiegrace1p36.blogspot.com
Such sweet treats!
Craig, These cannot be yours.... they are way tooooo cute!!!!!
Hi Carrie,
I don't think we know each other, but I certainly recognize your face! I graduated from Fort Mill in '08 myself. We also live in Evans, right around the corner from Club Car, actually, and my youngest daughter, Catherine, is only a few months younger than your little guys. Small world!
Your children are beautiful, and I hope you don't mind me checking your blog from time to time to see how they're doing!
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