November 16th 2007 was a day that forever changed our lives for the better. To say that the last two years have flown by would be a huge understatement. As quickly as the time has passed, it's hard to even remember what our lives were like before you were born. You have grown and changed so much in 2 years…and you make us so incredibly proud!
We haven't gone for your 2 year check up yet, but Louisa you have gone from 2 lbs 11 oz to almost 20 lbs…19 lbs 4 oz to be exact. Hopefully soon we will be able to turn your car seat around! The NICU nurses had you pegged the night you were born…they told us you were a feisty one…and they couldn't have been more right! Your spunk is cute, fun, precious, it makes us laugh, it makes you…you! You will forever be our sweet angel. One day…when you have a little girl…you will know how much we love you. Until then, there is no way that we can explain how precious you are to us.
Reid – you have gone from 4 lbs 15 oz to ~27 lbs…such a big boy! You needed a little "help" from oxygen when you were born and to this day, you prefer to have help or to be with somebody. The way that you say "Momma" as you lay your head on my shoulder absolutely melts me…every single time! I'm pretty sure you realize it too! You are definitely a "Momma's boy", but as you get bigger you are having so much fun playing with your cars with Daddy. Your heart is so big and we pray that you will always keep this sensitive side because it is so much of who you are!
We had a really fun time celebrating your birthday this weekend with your family and friends at Monkey Joe's! You learned quickly from watching your cousins how to jump and bounce and climb up the slides. We're so glad you had a good time! Here are a few pictures from our fun day…
Blowing out the candles…
Our family…
Cake face…
Opening presents…
Having fun…
Playing outside…
Today was your "real birthday" and we woke you up this morning by bringing you pancakes in bed with candles in them and singing "Happy Birthday." Pretty sure neither of you knew what to think, but we wanted you to know how special today, November 16th is! A few pictures playing outside tonight in the leaves…
We had "pieces" (Pizza) for dinner…one of your favorites. Oh, and of course bananas! No meal goes by without you asking for your "nanas!" Then you opened your presents from us.
"Hey, Sissy…what did you get?"
"Hey, Bubba…what did you get??
Sissy and her doll…
Bubba and his "Handy Manny"…
What a fun day…
Happy 2nd Birthday, our sweet Reid and Louisa Claire -we love you!
Another amazingly fun month! Reid and Louisa, with each month your individual personalities seem to shine brighter and brighter.
Reid - you are our little ball of energy! You like to talk, run and play non-stop from the time you get up until your sparkling green eyes close to go to bed. You have gotten really good at naming every object you see...you go around the den pointing and naming everything - "Couch, twuck, ball, Ooh - ball...throw!" You love to watch "Jack's Big Music Show", you often ask for "Jack, peeease!" Blue's Clues is your other favorite.
Last weekend as we were driving to Greenville, you saw the different color leaves and you said, "Wed (red), Owange (orange), Frog (green)!" I love how you say frog instead of green!
Another recent favorite as I was putting you to bed, "Reid, do you love Momma?" You, "YESSSS!!" Thank you, Reid...you bless your Momma's heart so much!!
Louisa - you are our precious little angel! You are dainty and sweet in so many ways, but you definitely speak your mind when you want to be heard! One of our new nicknames for you is "Sugar and Spice!" You don't talk quite as much as your brother right now, but we know that isn't for lack of knowing exactly what is going on at all times! You are quiet just like your Momma until you feel completely comfortable in a situation. You let others (especially Reid) do the talking while you are quietly figuring everything out on your own. You also love to watch "Jack" and we love to watch you dance to the music. You are so cute changing the way you dance according to whether the music is fast or slow...you always find the rhythm...quite impressive for 23 months! You love to crawl up in the bed with us and get under the "ba-bankie (blanket)!"
You have both been doing the sign language for "I love you" for quite a while now. Lately though, Louisa will also say the words "I - wuff - you, Momma!" Oh, sweet girl...if you only knew how much your Momma loves you!
You both love to go to "chuch" (church) and see your "frens" (friends). You love to go play with your friends, of course all the teachers love you and you always get great reports when we pick you up.
My sweet, sweet babies! It is so hard to believe you are almost 2 years old. How incredibly lucky we are to be your parents! We love you sooooooo much! I can't wait to celebrate your 2nd birthday with you next month!
20 months old and oh sooooooo sweet!! We've had a lot of fun this month. The weather has been nice and you have really enjoyed playing outside. You both love the water and have a good time splashing around in your little pool. I think mostly you just like drinking the water or pouring it out of the pool!
You like to color, but really love "reading" your books. You have gotten so good at recognizing the animals, shapes, etc that we read about. One of your favorite books has songs in it – Daddy and I usually barely get the first word of the songs out before you recognize it and start doing the motions.
The differences between girl and boy are amazing to watch, especially knowing you have been exposed to exactly the same things at the same times. Reid loves his trucks, balls and making Momma and Daddy laugh. Your laughter is so contagious...even when we're trying to discipline you! Louisa loves her dolls and Maggie! I think you would probably be okay with Maggie sleeping in your crib with you if we allowed her to!
You are learning to be Momma's helpers...before bed, we put all of the toys "nigh-night" by putting them in the toy boxes. Louisa especially does a great job of helping and finding every.single.toy...even the ones hidden under the couch! Reid is a great helper too. There have been times when you think it's hilarious to watch the other one throw ALL of the toys back out of the box right after we put them away.
I love to watch your imaginations at work…you like to pretend to feed us pizza (this came from your favorite Big Bird video). There definitely seems to be truth to what I've always heard about twins having their own language…you two definitely understand what each other are talking about! I love listening to you over the monitor before or after you sleep. Louisa usually wakes up first, then laughs, giggles, squeals and says "Pee-a-boo" until Reid wakes up and joins in.
You both get so excited to see each other, even after you wake up from naps…you're so excited to see your best friend is there to play with. You show us how much you love each other through your kisses, hugs and concern for each other when something is wrong…if you only knew how much it means to me to see how much you love each other.
My sweet, sweet babies. Thank you for the blessings that you give me each day. The thought of coming home to you every day after work gets me through the day! I'm proud that you are my chldren and I'm proud to be your mom. I hope that one day you will have your own little angels so you will know just ho much I love you!! I love you my angels!