It seems that turning 2 years old last month has really changed things around our house! Our house has been less than quiet for the last 2 years, but in the last month...wow! From the time Reid and Louisa wake up to the time they close their eyes, the words don't ever seem to stop! It is so fun hearing all that they are thinking. Reid is our biggest chatterbox. When he can't think of something to say, he looks around saying, "Uhm, uhm, uhm..." until he spots something that he wants to talk about! It's hilarious. This weekend Louisa woke up first (as she always does) and called to Reid until he woke up, "Bubba?! Bubba?! Boo!!" Finally, I heard him say, "I loooov ooouu, Sissy Cwaire!" It was too precious! Yes, Reid's latest name for Louisa is "Sissy Cwaire."
Louisa doesn't say near as much as Reid (she can barely get a word in!), but she definitely speaks
up when she needs/wants to. When we were picking out our Christmas tree this year, we actually saw 6 real live deer playing on the edge of the lot! Louisa and Reid were so excited. As the deer ran away, Louisa kept saying, "I see more deers! I see more deers!" In the last few days, Louisa has been a big girl asking to go sit on her potty! We definitely have a long way to go, but it's a start and we're so proud of her!

Reid and Louisa are both enjoying seeing all of the Christmas decorations. They love looking at the "yights" and seeing "Ca-Cwaus." This year we got a Little People Nativity Set and are working on teaching them the real reason we celebrate Christmas. They know who all the people are, and know where they go. It's so sweet to hear them talk about "Mawy, Jo-jeff, Jejus and Ongel." What an awesome responsibility to teach our precious little ones about Jesus!
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