Oh, my sweet boy! What a big month you had! This month was filled with lots of "firsts" and also lots of fun!!
You learned to sit up all by yourself...
No pictures yet, but just this week your first tooth broke through (Bottom middle - right tooth). It won't be long and you'll be trying to eat all of our food! It's fun to see you growing and reaching all of these milestones like cutting teeth, but I'm a little sad because I know once your teeth come in you won't look like my little baby anymore!
You tried cereal for the first time! It only took a few bites for you to get used to it, then you were asking ("panting") for more!

It won't be too much longer before you are too big sit in the swing anymore...I wanted at least one more picture of you in it before you outgrow it! You still like the swing when you are relaxing, but you definitely prefer the exersaucer and jumparoo now!
We went to the zoo...(You slept most of the time so I snapped this picture of you with the elephants so we could remember!)

What's a trip to the zoo without a nice cool drink?? Just kidding!!!
We visited a couple of different pumpkin patches. We even found some Cole-sized pumpkins!
Of course I had to get some more pictures of you sitting up with our pumpkins at home!

And...we spent lots of time with our family! Everybody loves to love on Baby Cole!
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