With our Easter Baskets...

4 months old!

With our Daddy...

What a cutie!!

Reid & Louisa with Cousin Ava

We took the babies for their 4 month check up Wednesday. Louisa is now up to 7 lbs 11 oz and is 20 1/4" long. Reid weighed 11 lbs 1 oz and is 22 1/2" The doctor was really pleased with Louisa for gaining a whole pound in the last month. Reid didn't grow quite as much so we are going to have to work on that a little for next month! Dr. Drake was "very impressed" with both Reid and Louisa developmentally...holding up their heads, "standing up," reaching for toys, etc. R&L both got 4 shots, a heel prick(to test their hemoglobin), and some medicine to take by mouth...this was not fun for any of us! Reid has been having some mild reflux, so he will be getting some Zantac to hopefully help with that. The medicine smells awful and by the look on Reid's face, it tastes awful too. He REALLY doesn't like it all...we're hoping that somehow he will take the medicine a little better.
1 comment:
So cute! MISS YOU GUYS SO MUCH! It has been a crazy '08 for us...haven't yet made it to Aiken and to visit you and your precious babies. I feel like we never get to talk anymore--I guess that's life when we each have 2 babies (well, I guess Haley's not a baby anymore--but whatever!). I really hope to get to see you soon. I'm sure my parents are dying to have their granddaughters in Aiken sometime soon.
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