The week of March 3rd, Craig was sick all week so he mostly stayed upstairs so that he didn’t get the babies (or me) sick. It made for a long week for all of us…Craig because he was sick and it was hard for him to stay away from Reid & Louisa for that long and it was long for me because I didn’t have Craig to help me with the babies which is a lot to do! That weekend Craig had to work all weekend, so I packed up the babies and went to Fort Mill to get some help with the babies and to visit my Mom & Dad (aka Grammy and Poppy), and my sister her family (Aunt “Tina”, Uncle Steve, Alex, Abigail and Benjamin). The babies did great…they slept almost the whole way there. Everyone had a great time. It was great for Reid and Louisa to finally be around their cousins. Abigail was especially interested in the babies as one of her favorite things right now is taking care of her baby dolls. Benjamin was a great helper and kept bringing us blankets to cover up the babies. I think Alex also enjoyed getting to see his cousins…he got to hold both Reid and Louisa. This was the first time that I had been out of the house since October when I got put on bed rest so it was great for me to get out and visit my family.

The weekend of March 15th we stayed home but on Saturday we had several visitors. Papa, Grammie, Aunt Lorraine and Uncle Mike came up from Saint Mary’s and Aunt Jamie came from Missouri. Grammie and Papa were able to see Reid and Louisa when they were in the NICU, but this was the first time that they were able to hold them. Reid and Louisa were of course on their best behavior and showed off their precious smiles to everyone!

Easter weekend we were back in Fort Mill…this was our first family trip with the 4 of us. This was also the first time that my whole family had been together since October…of course our group has increased by 3 since then. The adults are now outnumbered…there are 8 adults and 9 children (ages 6 and under!). It was a bit loud at times, but so much fun to see all of the cousins together. This was the first time Malissa and Brad & their crew were able to hold Reid and Louisa and it was also the first time that Craig was able to see/hold Ava. Emma Catherine, Matthew and Andrew all seemed excited to see “Weed and A-weesa!” Our first Easter with Reid and Louisa was also their first time going to church…what a special day! Grammy and Poppy (my mom & dad) were happy to have all 17 of us together at church…we managed to get a really good picture of all of us!

The next weekend we were at home but we did venture out on Saturday for a ride over to Craig’s parents house…another first for Reid & Louisa. They had some special friends visiting from Saint Mary’s – Jeff & Rosa Lee. We love for people to finally be able to meet Reid & Louisa!
This past weekend was FINALLY our first Sunday back at our church!! YEAH!! It was great to finally see all of our friends and introduce them to Reid & Louisa. We are proud parents and were so glad to finally be able to show them off! I think we may have slightly distracted the class (sorry, David!) because it was during the middle of Reid & Louisa’s awake time. Louisa wanted to smile and squeal the whole time and Reid wasn’t very happy because he wasn’t getting his normal play time. We’re going to have to figure out a way to be a little less distracting in class if we are going to be welcome there! It is exciting to us that Reid and Louisa already have so many “friends” around the same age as them because so many of our friends have had babies lately. It will be fun to see them all together as they get bigger.
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